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National Reparations Convention 2024 - Recap

Updated: May 28

Reparations Activists from across the country convene in Washington D.C

By Raushana Karriem

Muhammad Speaks, Editor

“Power concedes nothing without a demand” said Frederick Douglass. This was demonstrated by the demands voiced by the distinguished panelists at the National Reparations Convention over the Malcolm X Birthday Holiday weekend at the Lincoln Temple United Church in Washington D.C.

Dr. Akilah Mukarram, President of the Afrodescendant Nation opened the convention, by stating “You are the Super power of America! If we left today, where would America be?”

Dr. Mukarram just returned from Geneva, Switzerland from attending a meeting of the Permanent Forum for People of African. There she asked for the 194th seat in the United Nations to be given to Afrodescendants.

Ishmael Abdul Salaam, CEO of AFRE or All For Reparations and Emancipation said Reparations is also a Spiritual Battle.

He cited the scripture, Genesis 15:13 where it says, “know of a surety they seed will be afflicted 400 years and come out with great substance” meaning great wealth in the Hebrew version of the bible.

“Slavery is an international crime" he continued. The African Union plans to have a Reparations platform in 2025 which will be divided into different regions. We must organize ourselves as Afrodescendants and become the 6th Region, said Abdul Salaam.

The modern impact of slavery has resulted in the fact that black people own only 23% of the wealth as whites. A Black household median income is $35,000 while the white median income is $56,000. This wealth disparity is made evident today by the practice of “Eminent Domain.” He pointed out how the freeways are carved through Black Communities which divide our businesses, and cripple us economically.

He cited the tourist attraction of Lake Lanier in Georgia, where thousands sight see and vacation with many not knowing that a Black town named Oscarville is under the lake. They flooded the entire town.

Rashaad Singleton of the National Reparations League and whose organization is boycotting the Banks and institutions that participated in our enslavement, namely Capital One whose has close ties to the Catholic Church, Wells Fargo and a host of others, said “We want what the Indians, Japanese and Palestinans want ‘Land and Money.’

Attorney Malik Z. Shabazz , who serves as the Conductor of the Reparations movement for the Afrodescendant Nation, said we must take “Action to get us some traction.”

Attorney Shabazz was also responsible for having our distinguished scholars such as Professor James Smalls, Professor Tony Browder and highly regarded female attorneys, such as Attorney Nkechi Taifa, Harriett AbuBakr, Esq. the wife of the Honorable Silis Muhammad and others.

Another notable guests that brought tears to my eyes, was Priscilla Till, relative of Emmett Till who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955. Ms. Till that they are now finding Black men lynched throughout Mississippi and wants United Nations help in stopping this.

Great Honor was given to the Honorable Silis Muhammad and his wife Attorney Harriett AbuBakr for their formidable commitment to regain human rights and self determination to Afrodescendants by lobbying in the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland for 17 years.

They had no large sponsors to assist them in this effort. Just a small cadre of followers who contributed to this cause.

This writer, went to Geneva, Switzerland with them on 2 occasions and stayed in the same room the Honorable Silis Muhammad stayed in when he went to address the United Nations on our cause.

The room was small, the mattress felt as if were straw, there was an old desk that seemed like a relic from past European eras. I then saw the magnitude of the love the Honorable Silis Muhammad has for his people.


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